Make sure your workplace is safe to be reopened with our Coronavirus Workplace Risk Assessment

COVID-19 seems to have taken over the world. Many people are still in isolation and or waiting to be able to get back to work.

Therefore, it is more important than ever before to make sure the workplace is clean, hygienic, and free from any danger relating to COVID-19.

With the virus being so easily spread, it can typically be transferred by either:

  • Touching contaminated surfaces and then touching eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • By standing within one metre of a person with COVID-19, by breathing in droplets coughed or exhaled out.

Ramsay Safety Solutions Ltd have many years of experience in workplace risk assessments.

We specialise in offering Coronavirus workplace risk assessments to businesses, assisting them to re-open as soon as possible.

The workplace is assessed to make sure it is safe for use.

By taking the following into consideration, we are assisting employers with this difficult task:

  • Identifying the Hazards – Anything that may cause harm
  • Decide who may be harmed, and how
  • Assessing the risks and taking into account any corrective actions
  • Recording the findings
  • Making sure that the Risk Assessment is reviewed on a regular basis

Please contact us on 0800 690 6293, to make sure that you are taking all of the necessary steps to limit COVID-19 exposure in your workplace, we shall be happy to assist.