Around 73% of the surveyed employees replied to be ‘unaware’ of Health and Safety procedures followed at their place of work, which was quite disturbing. In relation to this just 6% replied to be ‘very knowledgeable’. On further questioning, just 20% of the employees confirmed to knowing the fire safety procedures that were followed at their workplace.

Employees were asked if they felt that their organisation was protecting them from Health and Safety hazards at their workplace. Over 53% of employees replied in the negative.

Employees were asked if they were aware that their firms had designated Health and Safety Managers for managing Health and Safety at their workplace. Less than one-third confirmed the presence of these Managers while 15% had no idea of presence of Health and Safety Managers at their workplace.

It was remarked on the significance of Health and Safety laws and the necessity to follow related procedures. However, it has been stated that these procedures could only be successful if employees are knowledgeable of Health and Safety that exists within their workplace.