
Fire Risk Assessment Near Me


Do you require a fire risk assessment near you?

Here at Ramsay Safety Solutions Ltd we are available to complete a thorough assessment of your building to make sure the correct fire safety procedures and necessary fire related equipment is in place.

You are legally obliged to carry out risk assessments on a yearly basis, we can provide a detailed assessment of your premises. We look at the likelihood of fire hazards causing harm and make sure that effective control measures have been communicated so that these risks are eliminated.

When we have completed the fire risk assessment, we will provide you with a report which is easy to understand and clearly lays in simple steps any corrective measures needed.

By choosing Ramsay Safety Solutions Ltd to conduct your fire risk assessment, we can provide fire training for your staff that complies with the Fire Reform Order 2005.

To speak to us about arranging a fire risk assessment at your place of work, get in touch via our website today.

Check out our previous article here.