
Fire Safety Risk Assessment London


See how we can help with a fire safety risk assessment in London

Did you know that any business is required by law to have an up-to-date current fire risk assessment?

Whilst we all know that we should prepare for the event of a fire, what’s important is taking the right steps to avoid any likelihood of a fire taking place. If you want peace of mind knowing that your workplace has preventative measures in place, we can offer our expertise.

At Ramsay Safety Solutions Ltd we have helped all types of businesses with our fire risk assessments. The aim of these is to ensure we reduce any chance of a fire taking place that could result in the loss of life, an injury taking place or significant property damage occurring.

With our team by your side, we can offer you:

  • Fire training that complies with the Fire Reform Order 2005
  • A report that is easy to understand with any corrective measures required
  • Provide on-going support following the fire risk assessment

To arrange an appointment for us to visit your place of work, call now on 0800 690 6293 or get in touch via the contact form.

Check out our previous article here.